About us

We are a group of professionals with a combined 100+ years of experience in the energy sector with capabilities to serve in several Latin American countries covering different disciplines related to Smart Grids, Energy Efficiency, and Electrical Asset Management.

Over the years, we have provided consulting services in various projects but also have consolidated focused solutions and services such as Power Transformer Condition Assessment Service, Transformer Supervision Service, and Energy Management Solution.

Consulting Services


The energy demand increased trend is challenging power systems capacity to supply high quality electrical energy. Moreover, international reports on alarming climate changes show major Power Generation contribution to greenhouse emissions.

Microgrids respond to these two major concerns with several additional benefits such as reduced energy costs, increased reliability, operational up-time, and sustainability.

When developing a microgrid project, we evaluate all the aspects determining the viability and convenience of the project.

On the Technology side, we always select proven vendor equipment looking for flexible, scalable, & sustainable solutions. We combined with edge technologies such as cloud solutions, blockchain, etc.

Our proprietary project methodology allows us to fulfill customer requirements and exceed expectations.

Consulting Services


The increase in the demand for electricity and our greater dependence on it, together with the undeniable effects of greenhouse gas emissions, causing climate change, have challenged the world’s electricity grids.

As a result of this new scenario of the electricity market, Smart Grids take on a relevant role, being the set of technologies that make up the foundations of a Modern Electricity Grid.

Over the years we have had the opportunity to watch how Smart Grid projects, despite being completed, do not end up meeting the expectations because of interoperability issues with the legacy systems, the implications in the processes involved in technological change, for overlooking the associated cultural change and other factors that all together affect the results obtained. We have reflected our experience over the years in an “end-to-end” Smart Grid Project Methodology.

Digital electric meters in a row measuring power use. Electricity consumption concept. 3d illustration


Over the years we have had the opportunity to see how Smart Grid projects, despite being completed, do not end up meeting the expectations they had or are truncated due to lack of foresight of their interoperability with the legacy systems of the Business Ecosystem, for not considering the implications in the processes involved in technological change, for overlooking the associated cultural change and other factors that together affect the results obtained. This has taught us that the conception of a Smart Grid project must be “end-to-end”, i.e., it must be considered not as an isolated entity but as part of the business ecosystem. In the same way, there must be a Road Map that gives us a long-term vision so that the investment we make today is one hundred percent compatible with future Smart Grid projects.

Because of these experiences and lessons learned, we came to define our 4-step process that every project should follow to minimize the risks of an undesired outcome.

Smart Grids a 4-step process


  • Immersion in Smart Grids.
  • Structuring of the Smart Grids Roadmap.
  • Construction of the Business Case.
  • Elaboration of RFI/RFP specifications.
  • Advice on the Evaluation of Smart Grid Technologies.
  • Supervision of Smart Grid Projects.
  • Organizational Change Coaching derived from the adoption of Smart Grid Technologies.
  • Special studies associated to Smart Grid projects.



The Grid Code establishes the general conditions all participants in the market connected or not to the T&D networks need to comply with to assure power quality, network reliability, sustainability, and safety.

In the Mexican market the Grid Code focuses its attention on 6 technical features.

Contact us, we can advise you, provide studies and assist you in the Mexican Grid Code revision 2 compliance process before the CRE.



When the transformer fails, the damage is enormous because it interrupts the company’s electricity supply partially or totally. If the failure is repairable, the economic impact is reduced to the days that the repair lasts, but if the failure causes the total loss of the transformer, the cost of its replacement and the economic losses inflicted are considerable.

Although it seems that the transformer is robust and that it will never fail or degrade its operation, the truth is that transformers suffer a gradual degradation, mainly of its insulating system (paper and oil), which over time, depending on humidity and temperature conditions may fail with varying degrees of severity.

For transformers owner, responsible, and operations managers, it is key to know transformer reliability and availability, in other words, TRANSFORMER CONDITION.



When some concerns raised after a TRANSFORMER CONDISTION ASSESSMENT, it is needed to implement a transformer supervision scheme to track any anomaly. This is a time-consuming task and requires some knowledge to diagnose properly fault conditions. On the other hand, plant personnel usually have little time to spend going through a lot of data in a continuous basis. This is when a TRANSFORMER SUPERVISION SERVICE CONTRACT becomes relevant.


Purpose of Transformer Supervision

  • Decrease service interruptions due to faults.
  • Increase transformer reliability.
  • Extend the useful life of transformers.
  • Defer CapEx for replacement or major maintenance.
  • Optimize Opex by obtaining relevant information to move towards condition-based maintenance.

Benefits of Transformer Supervision

  • Situational Awareness
  • Early detection of potential failures
  • Follow-up of findings

Purpose of an Integral Transformer Service

  • Guarantee the continuity of the operation.
  • Monitor the transformer for any important findings by our group of experts.
  • Save the customer the time required for this task.
  • Give them the peace of mind that their equipment is supervised 24 hours a day.
To learn more, download our “Transformer Condition Assessment” brochure from the News & Library section.
To learn more, download our “
Oil Immersed Power Transformers Comprehensive Service” brochure from the News & Library section.



E3+ is an Energy Management as a Service solution for electricity, gas, and water in the Residential and Commercial Segment. Combining AccuEnergy cloud-based energy metering solution with complementary communication and software tools make E3+ a unique Energy Management System of its kind.

As an option, there is E3+ app for iOS or Android platforms from which consumers can manage their power consumption, track consumption and payment history, and pay their bills from the comfort of their home (or anywhere).

AcuCloud is an Energy Monitoring and Management Platform allowing the energy consumption management, personalized dashboards, and analytics.

Our solution also includes the disconnection/reconnection of power service, which could be manually operated or linked to payment due date to automatically disconnect it and reconnect it when payment is received.

To learn more, download our “
E3+ Energy Management System” brochure from the News & Library section.


The economic situation of many industrial businesses has worsened with the pandemic in the last two years. Energy is a common resource of all the production chains. In one hand, its weight is significant in the base cost. On the other, energy generation accounts for a large piece of greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Efficiency plays a key role addressing both issues with several additional benefits such as:

  1. Reduces electricity cost
  2. Detects electrical issues in the internal grid
  3. Allocates appropriately electricity costs to cost centers
  4. Detects inappropriate practices and improves energy usage
  5. Helps people become accountable for their energy consumption
  6. Improves end-product quality affected by power quality (flickers, sags & swells, harmonics, etc.)

Our Energy Efficiency Approach is founded on the Six Sigma DMAIC Approach. On the analysis phase, a detailed report is produced with an Energy Efficiency Action Plan.

To learn more, download our “
Energy Efficiency: Where to start?” brochure from the News & Library section.

Our Technology and Consulting Partners


Some Consulting Services provided in the last three years.

  1. Definition of the Road Map of an Urban Microgrid for Public Transportation in Mexico (2021).
  2. Transformer Condition Assessment Webinar (2021)
  3. Cusco-Chinchero Airport´s BMS RFP. Development of the RFP specifications, call for suppliers, proposals review, evaluation, and recommendation to Consortium Natividad de Chinchero (2020-2021).
  4. Jorge Luque Combined Cycle Plant’s DCS Architecture Design (2020).
  5. Hybrid Microgrids Seminar (2018)
  6. Toachi Pilatón Hydroelectric Project’s SCADA System Review and replacement proposal (2018).

Here you can see the most recent articles and download some others

News and Library


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